Greetings Soonaphiles!
Ghost Dog here, sniffing the still pretty warm eastern Tennessee air for signs of autumn. Pumpkins are appearing on doorsteps and lawns, and pumpkin spice is everywhere, so it must be fall, even though it is still pretty summery here. Perhaps that pumpkin spice coffee should be taken chilled…
Meanwhile, at Soona Central there are plans for some single releases, watch this space! Markley & Balmer are presently touring the other coast, and later, The Malvinas and Markley & Balmer will be taking NERFA by storm. Ghost Dog highly recommends you hear these bands, and book these bands!
Esteemed CEO would like to encourage you to shop (and perhaps buy something) from the Soona Songs store… next best thing to hearing our artists live!
For your musical nutrition break, we offer the following Soona Snacks:
From Lisa Markley’s album The Sky is Blue and Sometimes Cries, a women’s song, for sure… “Eve Takes the Fall”
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From Radiophonic’s album, The Proud Ones, a song that often sums up Ghost Dog’s mood… “Concentrate”
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And from Esteemed CEO’s latest album, Little Blue Car, a sad hopeful tune… “What I’ll Miss Most”
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Ghost Dog wishes you a wonderful fall season, a winning team, if you have a team, and all the joys the change of colors brings. Most of all, we thank you for supporting independent music, especially ours!